Thursday, March 10, 2011

we'll end up down in mexico

i know that i've been busy and posts have been few and far between.
i'm also about to leave until the 19th for spring break.
there are at least three good blog posts worth of stuff that i have yet to get online, and while i didn't have time to post a real post before i left, i know i'll spend a good amount of time catching up after i get back.
tomorrow i'm off to Portugal.

i'll let you know how that goes.

be happy!


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

i see you shine in your way, go on go on go on

i was riding my bike to class this afternoon, and i noticed something. it was spring. now while the "first" day of spring is still two weeks off, and many people i know are sitting under piles of snow, i believe that spring came today in Dublin.
it's not as though its been very cold, in fact the weather over the last two weeks has been great, with quite a bit of sun!
i just knew. i knew because the wind that i biked through had given up on trying to be cold and biting, and instead felt nice as i biked around St. Patricks Cathedral on my way to class.
i know it might be strange to think about, but flowers are blooming here if you look for them.
...well, maybe it's not that strange... i's just Ireland right? it's just the greenest place ever. no big deal.