Tuesday, January 25, 2011

i've been trying to find what's been in my mind

I know i know.
It's been over a week, but in my defense, we were all focused on our first week of classes, and i didn't do a whole lot since my trip to Greystones.

That was the week.
Once the weekend came Hannah and i took off to explore Waterford!!!

It was.....not that great.
I mean, it was alright, and there were some cool things to see, and we had fun, but it wasn't amazing.
(quant street)

We thought, "oh let's go checkout Waterford Crystal!!"
We then quickly learned that there were no tours on Saturday (if at all), and we could only see the showroom. It was still amazing, but not what we (or at least i) had been expecting.
(although there was this super cool horse drawn chariot, the size of like.... a huge pig. that's the best i've got. like a giant pig. i'm having a very difficult time thinking of something that size. My Head Resident Claire's suggestion when asked, (what's "this" big?), was, "a medium sized ..boulder?" So, whichever is a better mental scale for you, giant pig or medium sized boulder, go with that. Anyways. It was something like €17,000, which comes out to be $23,173. Too bad they didn't have a giant pig.....or boulder.)

Moving on.

We walked the streets and explored the city park, but still....eeehhh?!

We found the oldest civic building in Ireland, this old tower,....kinda boring.

Maybe the coolest pictures were of this old shell of a church that's pictured below.

One thing that we had not come prepared for was the weather. It was not only frigid cold, but also windy as hell being on a river and near the sea. We didn't let it stop us, but it defiantly took it's toll over the course of the day.
One more thing that put a strange twist on the adventure were the people.
For the most part they were very nice, but we also encountered some of the first rude Irish people of our trip.
It actually became sort of funny after the forth of fifth time.
We had planned to try and take a short bus trip from Waterford out to the seaside to a little village called Dunmore East, but we ended up deciding that we would rather not freeze to death on the south coast of Ireland. Not that day at least.
After enough exploring we decided to try and trade in our return tickets for an earlier train home. We failed, and having been beaten down by Waterford, we ended up just sitting in the train station.
This ended up being one of the best parts of the day.
We watched many "characters", we were stared at by the man at the ticket counter, for a very long time, we bought many treats from the snack counter, we tried writing songs (Hannah has an amazing one going), we watched family's reunite and say their farewells and leave on the trains we wished we could be on, and last but not least, we continued to freeze our asses off.

While Waterford wasn't my favorite so far, i still had a great time, and Hannah and i made the most of the polar like conditions.

till next time.

be happy



  1. Love the new post (very funny) and the new pictures (pigeons!)! You have taken some great ones. Sorry to hear that the trip to Waterford was somewhat of a "bust". Sounds like you still made the best of it though, which is not surprising at all. Hope you continue to have amazing adventures while abroad!

  2. Best post yet Andy - super funny! I kept laughing out loud like a weirdo. We did have an interesting time in Waterford, but next time let's go somewhere a little warmer/bring more layers. :)

  3. Oh, but you forgot about the epic cupcakes! D:

  4. No i didn't! They go in the food section!!!

  5. You are correct sir. I saw that right after I posted the comment, but then I didn't want to have to fool the robot catcher thing again with another comment. You know, when you have to type in a weirdly spelled word to prove you're not a robot? Even though now I'm going to have to do that anyway, now that I'm writing this comment. Huh. Am I strange? Oh god. I'm going to try to go write about globalization now, but I probably will not be very successful. Ok. Bye.
