Thursday, January 6, 2011

and now we wait.....

It is now officially January 7th. Things are looking good, and i'm about ready to be leaving, i just can't believe it's finally here.

I know that i've been a little, let's say, absent, in my blogging duties.
In fact, i can't even remember the last time i put up a new post. Some time back in November, but it doesn't really matter because i'm not even in Ireland yet!
The adventure will begin this Monday at 9pm, from JFK.

During the last few weeks i've been super busy running around taking care of last minute details, working a little bit, seeing friends, and enjoying the holidays (and the break) with my family. Mom has helped me slowly cross things off what seems like a never-ending list, but now all that's left to do is wait for Monday.

Soon i'll be able to start sharing photos and accounts of Irish happenings, and i can also start posting under the bike trip portion of the blog. As i search for and outfit a bike i plan to keep a photo blog of that process. Oh! and you'll probably start hearing about people like Ian, Matt, and Patrick, my three suit mates, and you're sure to hear about my friend and busking partner Hannah.

A lot of the trip is still a big question mark, but here are some details that i know a little bit about.
The apartments where we'll be living are right in the middle of Dublin. A block from the River Liffy, and about three blocks from St. James Gate (the location of the Guinness brewery). We'll have about a half hour walk to the academic center for classes (or maybe i should say a five minute bike ride), and we'll be just minutes away from Trinity College, museums, markets, pubs, and parks. However you look at it, we'll be right in the thick of things, and i'm ready to explore.

You'll hear from me again soon.

be happy

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