Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Meow what is so damn funny?

Today (yesterday), was awesome!
Hannah, Patrick, Ian, Liz, and I went to the Guinness Brewery!

I need to stop myself right there. Before i type anymore i just need to sort of explain the high usage of exclamation marks. Some might say that it's overkill, or for effect, or maybe to try and make things sound more interesting, seeing that almost every sentence ends with one, but you can all rest assure that i'm typing as if i'm talking to you. If you know me at all, you know that i talk this way most of the time, so if you can imagine that i'm talking to you face to face it may help make sense of the high volume of !'s.


Guinness is brewed at St James Gate Brewery.
I would post a picture of the gate here, but the image uploader is acting up, so i'll just post more pictures on the picture section at a later date.
There is this 7 or 8 floor self guided tour, all around a central atrium that was shaped like a giant 7 or 8 floor pint glass. At the top you could redeem your ticket for a pint of Guinness in the Gravity Bar. It was pretty remarkable. Part of me thought that going to the brewery on the first full day was jumping the gun a little bit, but after we sat down with our pint and took in the 360 degree view of the city from one of the highest vantage points in Dublin i quickly reconsidered. It was really really cool. We sat there and let it all sink in for a minute. I think that up until then we had all been so frazzled from travel and jetlag that we hadn't really had time to realize what was happening. While looking out from maybe the best vantage point in the city we started to pick out landmarks and famous buildings, and it seemed to at least start to sink in that we were here, and that we'd be here until May!
We all got really excited.
Also Guinness here isn't even really comparable to the stuff we get back home.
To quote my good friend Mike Sotak, "like drinking the tears of angels".

Orientation starts tomorrow, so i need to get to bed. Apparently the school is taking us to an amazing restaurant, and there's a scavenger hunt.
Sounds like a good day already.

be happy

1 comment:

  1. Go Andy - our man in Dublin! We crossed paths on the train from Greystones Saturday and I was delighted to see such stellar representation from the home country. We ex-pats thank you. I will be following your exploits on your blog and hope you enjoy your time on the emerald isle. From our chat yesterday, I know you've gotten a running start on savouring the local sights and flavour. Told my cyclist friend about you and we both will be looking for you on grafton to throw a few bob in your hat so break out the guitar, Man!
